This past week we had another week of classes, but it was a shortened week so classes flew by. Monday we had our long day like usual, and then Tuesday we had Art History. Wednesday we had our second to last day of community service. It is crazy to imagine that we just have two weeks left here in London. I have a few last things I need to see before I head back home, so these next two weeks will fly by but will check off those last few things.
It was weird to wake up Thursday morning, to no smell of turkey and all of the traditional fixings, but anyways we slept in. I went downstairs and Ajay (my host dad) said, "Happy whatever American holiday it is today", he knew it was Thanksgiving just wanted to give me a hard time. We packed up our last few things and headed down to school to catch our coach bus to Gatwick to head to SWITZERLAND for the weekend. I am so glad I decided to experience Switzerland and it was by far my favorite trip of the semester. We got into Switzerland late Thursday night and hung in the hostel for a bit and headed off to bed, as a few of us decided we wanted to jump out of planes the next morning!
So Thursday night I could barely sleep, tossed and turned all night, because a) I was jumping out of a plane in the morning and b) had Rosey decided to sleep with me! Two of us in a twin bed, you make it work! So Friday morning, we had until 12 pm to hang out before we went skydiving. As I couldn't sit still all morning, 12 pm felt like forever away. Anyways, a group of seven of us boarded the bus and had about a 30 minute bus ride to the hanger where we would begin the adventure of a lifetime. We broke off into two groups and I was in load three with Alison, Maggie, and a random girl. We finally got in the plane and that is when I literally freaked out. Maggie went first and we couldn't sit still. I can't wait to show you all the video when I get home. Weiss family, get ready, it will be the hit of Christmas Eve! Anyways after a scenic 15 minute flight, it was time to free fall out of the sky. So I was second and we got to the edge of the plane and again freaked out. There was no time to think and we were out! The free fall was by far my favorite part of the adventure. After a 45 second free fall, he pulled the shoot and I could breathe again. We had about a 7 minute ride before landing. The views were just stunning. We safely landed and I could smile and breathe again! We watched Mike, Jess, Jess, and Blake go next and then headed back to the hostel to tell everyone about our adventure.

Friday night, we had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with our entire group. The meal was good, but not as good as home! It was so much fun to be with everyone as we celebrated Thanksgiving. After dinner, most of us headed down to the bar and had some fun and danced the night away.
Saturday, we hung around the city of Interlaken and went exploring. We walked down the river to where the river met the two lakes and took in the beautiful scenery. On our walk back, we stopped at a chocolate store and bought tickets to the chocolate show and tasting that evening. After a few naps by the fire at the hostel, we made our way to the show and filled up on delicious Swiss chocolate. Since about the only thing to eat in Interlaken is Hooter's, we decided it was time to hit up Hooter's for a $20 burger, which wasn't anything special, but hey it was dinner and nice to be with friends. After dinner, we went back and again headed down to the bar for more drinks and dancing, but called it an early night as Michaela was skydiving the next day and Rosey was canyon jumping!
Beautiful views of Interlaken!
Sunday, we slept in, and went to breakfast. It was now nice to watch the next group of skydivers freak out for the morning. My skydive video came in that day so we watched that multiple times and got them in the zone! There was an extra seat in the van, so I decided to jump in and be the photographer for the day. It was so much fun to watch them get suited up and skydive, without the nerves that I had on Friday. After everyone jumped, we headed back and packed up and headed back to the airport.
We landed in Gatwick and had a two hour bus ride back to Kings Cross, which was pure torture. All of us just wanted to be home and I had my huge business ethics presentation this morning. We ended up catching the last tube home and was in bed around 2:30 am after a shower and some time on Facebook, like usual!
Anyways, like I said before we have two weeks left here and I will be home next weekend, just in time for Weiss Cookie Day! I cannot wait to see all of you so soon. I know I will be so sad next week leaving this amazing place and my wonderful host family, but am so anxious to get home. I just wanted to take a quick second to thank a few people. Mom and Dad, without you two this whole adventure I have experienced would have not been possible. Mom, you really pushed me to go outside my comfort zone and to go abroad and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Dad, you backed up my decision and knew you were excited for me as well. Meg & T, I cannot wait to see you both and miss you both lots. One last shout out to Sarah Hendricks, you were the one who told me I could do this and that I needed to do this. I didn't believe you when you said this changed your life, I now know that a study abroad experience can change you! Sarah, I cannot say thank you enough. You are the best and you know a Cleveland Wok date will happen shortly after I get home.
That's all for now as we begin our four hour night class. We are almost to the single digit countdown! See you all next weekend!
At bat: Last weekend in London
On deck: Home sweet home